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naturals transitioning to locs

how do i start locs?

You can start locs many ways. With coils, 2-strand twists, braids, interlockings, and even crocheting. It is important that you do your research! If seeking a professional, make sure you are consulting with them and getting all of your questions answers before starting the process. There are different strategies and systems from stylist to stylist but make sure you are fully educated about the process you choose. For instance, Sisterlocks is a system created and managed by Dr. Joann Cromwell, and is a 3-step process. So be sure the information you are receiving is correct because I have witnessed people being bamboozed out of their money and it's a very sad, and unfortunate situation.

What styles can I wear after starting locs?
Because your locs are newbies doesn't mean out cannot have a little fun with styling. If your length is permitting a little styling or a lot of styling, it can help your newbies appear to have less fizziness and could possibly hold your retwist in place longer while going through the beginning stages..depending on your hair texture. I would avoid extensions in any way because newbies are fragile and could leave you with having to start all over again from the excessive tension and stretching.

What products should I use for my locs?
As you start your journey with locs now is time to get rid some of the products you used to use while relaxed hair and natural hair. In the first 1 to 6 months, you would want to stay away from heavy moisturizing and conditioning products because they detangle your hair and will more than likely reverse your locking process. Do not use products containing petroleum, mineral oils, and alcohol as one of the first ingredients. Essential oils are best for the scalp and hair, but are not too great in access in starting your journey because they could slow down the locking products. Oils are better used on mature locs. Some Seabreeze for those itching parts and a little tea tree oil could combat the dryness you may experience is a start. However, it's best to consult with your stylist to see what products fit you and your journey best because locs arent' cookie cutter.

how long will it take for my hair to loc?
Tightly coiled hair could start to mature in a few washes, where as someone with a loose to non-existent curl pattern may take 1 year +. Your maturation defending depends on your hair characteristics and your home care. Be patient! One person could have up to 9 different curl patterns in one head and it is a journey, not just a hairstyle. You hair will eventually look the way you desire with the right products and regular maintenance. Well, that's only if the pictures you hold close to your heart have the same hair characteristics as you.

are there loc methods that you wouldn't recommend?
Yes! There are some hair textures who do not do well with certain locking methods, and that's on a case-by-case basis. It really depends on how well your help will develop and mature with those locking methods.

Do you start locs with extension?

No. I prefer clients who want to enjoy the journey of starting with their natural tresses. There are cases where I have clients that need prosthesis due to thinning or balding, however, I love to work with the hair in it's most natural state.

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